Data Engineering Lab

Co-authored a booklet as part of my post-graduate thesis.

About Delab

The Data Engineering Lab of the Department of Informatics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki conducted research in the areas of databases, data mining and sensor networks. Their research has been focused but not limited to web mining, spatial and temporal databases, music databases, information retrieval, wireless sensor networks and streaming data. Delab was later merged into the Aristotle University Datalab.

My Role at Delab

The work was part of my post-graduate studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. As part of my thesis I researched the field of Location-based Social Networks and compared existing recommendation frameworks with the one created by Delab. The workโ€™s output enriched by Research Supervisors has been published by Springer in the series of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

  • Academic Papers Review
  • Algorithms Comparison
  • Book Illustrations Design
  • Document preparation using LaTeX