A minimum viable business plan

Posted February 5, 2017 by ntemposd ‐ 5 min read

Does your brilliant billion dollar idea compile into a sustainable business? Do you really need this funding now? We are in 2049 and you are building a Spacecraft 🚀. How a minimum viable business plan might look like?


Dummy-D offers the most relaxing space traveling experience around the globe. Our Spacecrafts are developed to make travelers feel like home providing one of a kind features such as internet, sofas on-board and jacuzzi. We’ve been working on our product for a year now, using our own capital and are currently searching 40.000.000 drachmas to make the business roll. We already have some customer attention, manifested via pre-booked tickets; however, success is calculated on fully deposited bookings, starting from 1st January 2050.


We met each other 10 years ago at the university. Our goal is to create a modern company where any professional would love to work.


BobA Hardware engineer with a solid experience on Spacecraft Development. Has worked for Lorem Inc. and Dolor LtD for more than 10 years.
JenA Digital marketing expert that specializes on SEO. Has managed several marketing departments and loves designing new things.Business Operations, Sales and Design.


BobHardware and Software Development.
JenBusiness Operations, Sales and Design.

Our company is an LtD based in the Dark Side of the Moon. Although the Moon is far away, Moon law is clear and straightforward with a tax rate of 9.9% and a VAT of 13%.




Our Market is constantly growing since the first trip back in 2020. By 2048 the need of our product became clear, with more than 1.000.000 customers traveling around the universe.


More than half of space travelers are Africans with ~50% of them being Malawians. According to the African Space Institution, the average African citizen spends more than 100k drachmas per year for travel, with more than 50% of this amount going to space traveling. Later on, Latin American and Chinese markets will also be targeted.

Expansion Map

Jun'50Dec ‘50Jun ‘51Dec ‘51
Central Africa🔑🔑🔑🔑
South America🔑🔑



On one hand Dummy-D outperforms competitive players by being far more comforting. On the other hand, ticket price is higher than the market average as relaxation services addition results to higher production costs. As the totals reveal, we enter the market offering an equivalent to traditional market leaders product.


Dummy-D is currently in version 0.9-Sofa. Jacuzzi feature is in the building and will be introduced in version 1.0. The maximum capacity of our aircraft is 75 travelers/journey.

Dummy-D external view


InternetA 24/7 3 yottabytes/spacesec download and 7 yottabytes/spacesec upload connection.
SofasAnatomical sticky sofas that let you fly without having your seatbelt fastened.
JacuzziDirectly filled with selfiltered heavy natural thermal water from Pluto springs.

Ticket Packages

SimpleIncludes all the above features in the ticket price.
PremiumIncludes free flight from traveler’s place to our space station.
PlatinumIncludes Premium plus meeting with space creatures services.

note: Premium & Platinum packages will be introduced after the 1st operating year.


We exclusively distribute our flight tickets through our website. The Simple ticket price is 10k drachmas per traveler. Payments are processed online. At the moment our core KPI is “Number of pre-bookings/Unique Website Visitors”.

Traveler Personas

SallyA young mom with kids aged 3-5. She travels during summer when kids are in camp. She mainly buys, during weekends, influenced by video experience.
JimmyA highly paid worker that loves relaxation. He travels during Christmas and usually books more than 6 months in advance. He buys based on simulator experience.


emailNurture and increase the existing community of more than 1000 potential travelers using viral loop techniques.-active-
WeTubeGet potential travelers to “know everything about the universe” through a series of multimedia content.-inactive-Q1'50
SEO/SEMGet Dummy-D first in search results for terms such as ‘alternative traveling’ and ‘space creature’.-active-
SimulatorsSet up Dummy-D flight simulators in strategic POIs. Use scarcity effect trick offering -5% for 24h after the simulation experience.-inactive-Q1'51

* Our accumulated potential reach is more than 800,000 travelers by the end of 2050.


Core production is done in west Sahara. We’ll stay there, expanding our current factory according to any emerging needs. Our Marketing team will be distributed into strategic areas around the globe.


DesignJen designs a Dummy-D version. Bob analyzes and creates the BoM.
DevelopmentWe order all needed supplies. Our robots assemble them into a Spacecraft.
Land TestingWe check each and every part of the new Spacecraft individually.
Space TestingAll Spacecrafts travel at least once before they officially take off.


Supply failureWe sign long term contracts with long-established supply companies.
DelaysDelays are reimbursed by our insurance partner for a flat fee of 200 drachmas/year.


We’ll be mainly spending to cover production, intellectual property, human resources and marketing needs.

Sales Projection -thousand tickets


Income Statement -in million drachmas

Gross Profit1518253593
Operating Profit557724
Net Profit446620
  • We break even at the “Xth” Journey.
  • Our 3-year & 5-year income statements are distributed upon request

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